Results of the WPG external competitions 2022 / 2023

Battles & External Competitions
Swale Trophy
(Print and DPI against Faversham & Sittingbourne)
We came second behind Faversham in the print round but well ahead in the DPI round, and won the Swale Trophy.
Whitstable 294
Faversham 291
Sittingbourne 282
The victory we due in no small part to Claire Gilbert's digital images, both of which scored 20 with a "best DPI" award for "Layla, the Barbary Lioness". Ros Eastwood's "Lyrical Dancer" also scored 20, with both Mike Gould's shots getting 19. Rupert Brun's "Dog in the Fog" maintained the proud tradition by scoring 16 but he did better in the print round, with two images scoring 19, our best scores in that round.
Battle against Malling and Herne Bay
Malling and Herne Bay clubs joined us in battle, with rounds for print and DPI. It's always good to see the work of other clubs and Steve Carroll was an excellent judge. The results were...
Malling Total: 147 1st
Whitstable Total: 142 2nd
Herne Bay Total: 129 3rd
In the print round, Rupert Brun's image "Mount Athos at Dusk" (below) was the top scoring print for Whitstable. In the DPI round, Claire Gilbert's "Layla, the Barbary Lioness" and Mike Gould's "Brown Banded Carder Bumble Bee, Bombus humilis" both scored 20. Alan Lomakin's image "Elegance in an Old Classic" was judged the best image of the evening, he's from Malling who are really going from strength to stength at present. The PDF files below have the full results.