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Preparing Images for DPI Competitions

Images which are being entered into the WPG Club DPI competitions or provided alongside print entries must be resized before they are given to the Competition Secretary.


Landscape images should be 1400px wide, along the top and bottom edge.

Portrait images should be 1050px high, along the left or right edge.

Ensure you tick the ‘Constrain dimensions’ box on your editing software, when resizing. This will ensure the image is not distorted, and the height of the image will resize automatically.

The images MUST use the sRGB colour space. If they do not, they will be projected with inaccurate colours during the competition.


To resize images in:


Photoshop programes:  Select File, Automate, Fit Image, Constrain within – 1400px x 1050px for landscape, 1050px high for portrait, save as – name, jpeg, sRGB/colour space.


Lightroom programes: Select File, Export, Name, Location (your choice), File settings – jpeg, sRGB, Quality, Width & Height 1400 x 1050px for landscape. 1050px height for portrait. 300dpi.


Affinity Photo: Select Develop, document, resize document, make sure to unlock the padlock, make sure size units are pixels, Width & height 1400 x 1050 px for landscape, 1050px height for portrait, DPI 300, resample, click resize then save as.


To provide entries for the competitions they should be titled in the following way.

01 image title.jpg

02 image title.jpg

03 image title.jpg


Don’t forget the space between the number and the title.

Your name or any other information should not appear anywhere on the image.


They can then either be emailed to the competition secretary (details in the Members' Section) or brought to the club on a USB stick. 

Whether the DPIs are submitted by email or on a USB stick, the Competition Secretary must receive the files by the "hand-in" date given in the programme. Late entries will not be allowed.


For help with preparing Images please feel free to contact the committee who will be only to happy to help you with this process.


Please also check the competition rules in the Members' Section of the web site before entering.

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