Preparing Images for Print Competitions
Except were stated otherwise, a maximum of 3 prints per member may be submitted for competitions or print evenings. Prints for internal competitions or print evenings must be mounted on card and have a card backing to ensure rigidity and protection. Label the print on the rear; when looking at the rear of the print the title is to be written in the top left hand corner and the membership number in the bottom right hand corner. Mount size must be 50x40cm. Please ensure that there is no Velcro or other rough surface on the back of the prints and that a good quality mounting tape is used that will not peel off as this can damage other members prints. Parcel tape and other similar tapes must not be used. The colour of the mount is entirely your choice but cream, grey and off-white are most popular.
You must also submit digital images alongside the prints, these allow the judge to see the images before the night and enable the competition software in the club laptop to display the images during the competition, for scoring. The digital images must be identical to the image used to make the print, but resized in the same way as for a DPI competition, details here.
Please also check the competition rules in the Members' Section of the web site before entering.