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Resizing Images for the WPG web site gallery.


You may upload your images at any size you choose to the group Flickr and Facebook pages.
Images must be resized for the WPG web site gallery. We are now asking for them in the same size as used for print and DPI competitions, to save you some work.



Landscape Mode:

1400px wide. When you resize the image, in whatever software you use, ensure you tick the box which states 'Constrain Proportion'.  Resolution should be 300dpi.



The height of the image will adjust according to the 1400px width, providing you have ticked 'Constrain Proportion' check box, in the resizing section of your software.


Once you have resized your image, 'save as' and use a name as follows;

"Your Name Title"  and save as a jpeg and email to me as an attachment.




Portrait Mode:

Portrait format 1050px height. When you resize the image, in whatever software you use, ensure you tick the box which states 'Constrain Proportion'. Resolution should be 300dpi.



The width of the image will adjust according to the 1050px height, providing you have ticked  'Constrain Proportion' check box, in the resizing section of your software.


Once you have resized your image, 'save as' and use a name as follows;

"Your Name Title"  and save as a jpeg and email to me as an attachment.





When you send your email with the attached image, saved as a 'jpeg', I believe you are supposed to tick the 'windows friendly' check box, on your APPLE PC, which will enable me to open your image. Failing that, just give me your images on a USB stick.



It's your prerogative whether you choose to mark your images with the copyright symbol © and name, or not. We are not able to prevent images being copied by individuals who may view our web site although the web site does protect against "right click" options such as copy or save.  If you choose to do so, I would suggest we all stick to the same format, bottom left hand corner with the symbol © and your name. The easy way to produce the © symbol is as follows; on your keyboard press and hold down the 'alt' key (command key for Apple) and then type 0169, this will type in the © symbol.



Reflections of New York in a glass building
Reflection of a church in a glass building
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